Got this interesting link from Reasons to be Cheerful (David Byrne's excellent website). How do concert spaces make themselves more mindful? This is how the Carnegie Hall did it:
I often use concerts and performances as a way of being more aware. Not just the music but also my response to the music; my body's movements; the presence of other listeners. I practice pulling focus from the perfomer's fingers to the whole auditorium, indeed to the world outside the building.

There's a nice Spotify playlist attached:
Musicians don't need to try very hard, in my opinion, to become more mindful. They are doing a great job, just as they are. Ihave found that all kinds of music, in general, has a wonderful way of helping us become ,not only mindful, but also less anxious stressed, depressed. I have mentioned, on here before, how music has helped my daughter, who suffers with mental health. Her ' go to' is always music. The sounds that come from her room are not at all melodic, in my opinion,( it's, more often than not, heavy metal). Nevertheless it has a wonderful transforming effect. Music is magical. Metallica, Megadeth, bring it on !!