Hi everyone!
I attended the lovely meditation last night. We focused on the Tan Tien, (also called the Dantien). I had an experience where the Qi, or energy, started to circulate up my back and down the front of the body. It was enjoyable and I was asked to post here a picture of the Microcosmic orbit - which is what was happening.
In Chinese Medicine the body contains many landscapes - particularly you can see here mountains (in the head) and a reservoir (in the Tan tien). A healing practice is to circulate the Qi in this way (up the back and down the front) however, …. I’ll add a note of caution. Some Qigong teachers advise against this practice - personally if I do it for too long I get dizzy!.. so please be careful and if you are interested in the Microcosmic Orbit - its best to do it with a skilled teacher.
But…. I love the image of landscapes within the body! … so please take a look at this pic!