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Foreign fluid exchange (mainly sweat)


Been away on two epic filming shifts – one in Antwerp, Amsterdam and the Hague, the other in Amiens, Rouen, Calais – for the new BBC show.

When I tell people I’m doing a show about shopping abroad – most people spit feathers, spluttering at my good fortune. And not without reason. It’s a cool show to film. Though the hours can be a bit ferocious: 6 x 14-hour days back-to-back plus travel. We all merged into that filming family pretty quickly – largely because the intensity of filming made blood brothers and sisters of us all.

I’m hoping it will be great. Kimberly, my beautiful American co-host, is dazzling. And the fun my little mini-team have tooling round the cities she shops in makes for cute viewing. I wonder how it will go down?

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